Hi all,
Wanted to recommend these books by:
- Quote :
- Dr. Mark Cambron
Dr. Mark G. Cambron, B.A., M.A., Th.B., Th.M., Th.D., D.D., L.L.D., Litt.D., was one of the foremost theologians of our times.
Born in Fayetteville, Tennessee on July 31, 1911. He was born-again in 1919. It was during a Billy Sunday campaign in Chattanooga that he trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
He was educated in the schools of Chattanooga, attended the University of Chattanooga, Tennessee Temple College and is a
graduate of Northwestern Bible School and Northwestern Evangelical Seminary.
He was an assistance in the 1940's to W. B. Riley at First Baptist Church of Minneapolis, Minnesota and Northwestern Bible School /
Evangelical Seminary.
He Pastored in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and in Tennessee.
He served for many years at Tennessee Temple College (1948-59) with Dr. Lee Roberson and served as Dean of the College.
"Uncle" Mark, as we called him, was a very near and dear friend to the family. My maternal grandfather and he were likened unto two
closest of brothers. What an example -and testimony for the Lord and the impact he has made on many lives - including my own. I do consider myself blessed with the priviledge of having known and met him.
These helped a lot in my spiritual understanding. Imo, we all should walk as closely to the Lord God/Jesus as possible. No,
we'll never know it ALL /everything about the Bible- yet. I think He reveals a lot as time goes but we will not have full knowledge
until we reach the other side , then we shall know as He knows! But for now, We still have a whole lot of growing in grace wisdom
and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He, the Lord, gives us His Word, the Bible, yes! Thank God! He also has given
us preachers, teachers and other tools. May we use the resources He has made available and take advantage!
2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
These are great books I highly recommend:
"Bible Doctrines: Beliefs that Matter"
http://thecambroninstitute.org/library/Bible%20Doctrines.pdf"Mastering the Bible"
http://thecambroninstitute.org/library/hermeneuticscambron.pdf"Daniel and Revelation Made Plain"
http://thecambroninstitute.org/library/danielrevelationcambron.pdfThere are many Bible commentaries made by him and other resources available at the Cambron Bible Institute Library:
http://thecambroninstitute.org/index.cfm?action=library Just knowing "Uncle Mark" makes these books all the more special to me. This guy , (Uncle Mark) was attacked right and left ...
bombed , etc!! He then went on -became founder of the Florida Seaside Mission. He did not get discouraged but kept on keeping
on for the Lord Jesus! How I thank the Lord for him, his testimony and having used him to such a great extent reaching so many for Christ! including myself...Am sure his rewards will be great on Heaven's side!
May we all grow in spiritual wisdom and grace, and walk worthily - walk the walk of the faithful!
May we all strive - persevere in His will for OUR lives too!