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Welcome To The New TTiV Forum!

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Before you begin using the forums, please take a few minutes to read these IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS!

Moderators: Adam P., SOT-Lou, Moderators
1278Fri May 30, 2014 11:07 pm
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TTiV SHOW ARCHIVEIn this forum you will see the evolution of TTiV from its early incarnation as "The OldCorp Show," which was literally shot at my kitchen table with a green cloth hung on the wall behind me. If you listen carefully, you can hear the sounds of my wife cooking bacon in the background.  LOL - How funny is that?

I started the show as a form of therapy, to regain the faculties lost after the Gulf War when I was injured at work in a chemical spill; but I got serious about it in 2011 when I had the opportunity to go to the first Republican debate which was being held in Greenville S.C., where I just so happened to live at the time.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Moderator: SOT-Lou
103123Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:59 pm
OathKeepingJarhead Pete Santilli Framed! Criminal Conspiracy By Rivals Vinnie Eastwood And Susan Posel Exposed
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GENERAL DISCUSSIONThis forum is for general topics that the membership just happens to find interesting. Personally, I'd like to see a lot videos of kittens and puppies, dolphins saving surfers from a Great White, things of that nature; but if there is one thing I've learned from life in the news business it is that "If it bleeds, it leads." So I suppose this forum will look like just about every other General Discussion forum on the Internet. Just play nice kiddies.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
213488Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:50 pm
b4time Good overview
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Breaking News/ Current Events

Breaking News/ Current EventsHere is a place to post worldwide breaking news stories and any other current events.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou, DogfaceDooley
70127Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:18 am
b4time Let's Talk Ebola, ISIS, And The End Times.
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ConspiraciesThis is a place to discuss any and all conspiracies. Whether it involves the governments of the world, The Illuminat/NWO, and various others it can be discussed here.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou, DogfaceDooley
2447Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:26 pm
eceee3 Latest crack FTP download-2
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Aliens/UFOsHere is a place for you to share your personal experiences or discuss anything UFO/Alien Related.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
519Sun May 05, 2013 11:07 pm
OathKeepingJarhead ‘It Goes Right to the White House’: Former Lawmakers Make Incredible Claims About UFOs
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Astronomy and Space Exploration

Astronomy and Space ExplorationThis is a place for you to discuss Astronomy, Spaceweather, and anything space related.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
2627Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:35 pm
OathKeepingJarhead The Sun is Crackling and Popping this week.
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Earth Sciences/Natural Disasters

Earth Sciences/Natural DisastersThis is a place for you to post and discuss anything related to the earth sciences such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, geology, and weather.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
1421Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:52 pm
b4time The Beautiful Truth - Gerson Cancer Cure
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9/11/2001This forum is to discuss the events of September 11th 2001. We welcome any and all opinions as we dig for the truth about these events.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
515Tue May 07, 2013 10:42 am
SOT-Lou 9/11 memorial fees called ‘slap in the face’
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World History and Ancient Civilizations

World History and Ancient CivilizationsThis is a place for you to discuss world history whether from the viewpoint of the mainstream or from any other point of view. It is also a place to discuss ancient civilizations and the history of mankind.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
46Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:07 pm
SOT-Lou The Constitution For Dummies" by Judge Andrew Napolitano (October 27, 2007 Vid)
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Medical Issues

Medical IssuesHere is a place to post anything medical related. IE. Vaccines, Big Pharma and anything else medically related. It is also a place for you to discuss the use of Medicinal Marijuana and other alternatives to modern medicine.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
1739Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:50 pm
b4time Good overview
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ParanormalHere is a place for you to discuss both your own personal experiences, or anything else that involves the Paranormal. The sky is the limit with this one.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
26Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:26 pm
SOT-Lou So My Wife Has Been To See The Phsycic Twice Now.
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Survival/Weapons and Tactics

Survival/Weapons and TacticsThis is a place for you to discuss survival tactics and gear as well as a place to discuss weapons and tactics. It is also a place to discuss off the grid living and any other survivalist lifestyles
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
513Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:25 pm
SUROH4711 Survival/Prepping
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Creative Writing/ Short Stories

Creative Writing/ Short StoriesThis is a forum for you to get creative with. Write about whatever you want. This is a place for completely free thinking. So let your imaginations run wild and let's see what we can come up with. There will also be writing contests periodically for any and all who wish to participate. Good luck.
Moderators: OathKeepingJarhead, DogfaceDooley
1225Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:46 pm
Ro0539 Deadly alive
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Kick Back And Relax

Kick Back And RelaxThis forum is for the lighter side of life. When the truth becomes overwhelming and you need a laugh this is the place to come.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou, DogfaceDooley
25127Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:13 pm
b4time What are you listening to
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AUNTIE BECKY'S BARTERTOWNWith the Zombie Apocalypse rapidly approaching, and Obama having stolen all of our hope AND change, it was recently brought to my attention that we need a place to trade stuff; one man's junk is another man's treasure and all that.

Welcome to Auntie Becky's Bartertown.

11Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:04 pm
Bob Powell Welcome To Aunt Becky's Bartertown
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INTERNATIONAL SKULLDUGGERYAs the title suggests, this is the place to post about how the US has become a defacto terrorist state. As ashamed as it makes me to admit it, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is now the leading exporter of state-sponsored terrorism in the world.

So please post news about what the scum in Washington did today, with our tax dollars and in our name, here - where the Sun shines.

Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
2236Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:16 pm
OathKeepingJarhead Smoking gun: Emails show Susan Rice coached by White House to lie about Benghazi
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TYRANNY IN THE U.S.Here is where we will discuss the plethora of Treasons being committed by Barack Hussein Obama, the lawlessness of the Justice Department under Eric "Contempt THIS Congress" Holder, "Aunt" Janet Napolitano, and the various lawmakers in the House and Senate who think that we will sit by and say nothing as they prepare to make war on the American people; herding us into FEMA Camps or worse.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
179269Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:11 pm
WTFisgoingonwithTheUS Bloomberg To Take on NRA with New 50 Million dollar campaign.
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U.S Department Of The Muslim Brotherhood.

U.S Department Of The Muslim Brotherhood.Here is a place to post stories or host discussions about the ever increasing power and control being brought forth by the Muslim Brotherhood run Department of Homeland Security.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
2223Sun May 11, 2014 5:09 pm
freedom4kaz Muslim Brotherhood ties to White House resurface
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War On The 2ND Amendment.

War On The 2ND Amendment.This is a place where we can showcase the current war on the 2nd amendment that is being perpetrated all across our country. Post news stories and information here so we can stay on top of this fight to the bitter end.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
6093Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:11 pm
WTFisgoingonwithTheUS Bloomberg To Take on NRA with New 50 Million dollar campaign.
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War On The American People And The U.S. Constitution.

War On The American People And The U.S. Constitution.As the War on the American people increases across the counrty it is the responsibility of us patriots to speak out about the attrocities being committed against the people of this nation. Here you can post or discuss news stories or anything related to the war on against the people.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
5281Sat May 10, 2014 9:56 pm
OathKeepingJarhead 'Gaming the System': Email reveals how Wyo. VA workers were taught to manipulate records
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PoliticsThis is a forum for you to discuss our current political system as well as any and all political issues.
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
4572Wed May 07, 2014 10:14 pm
OathKeepingJarhead American Legion calls for VA resignations
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RELIGIOUS DISCUSSIONSAs the owner of this forum, I want to say that I am a Christian. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He willingly gave Himself up to be crucified as the final blood sacrifice, and that through His death any who call on His name might be saved.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." ~ John 3:16-17

also believe that faith in Jesus Christ is the ONLY mechanism by which we might be saved. Why? Because Christ said it Himself:

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; NO MAN cometh unto the Father but by me." ~ John 14:6

One thing that I hope will be unique in this forum is the fact that I have viewers from ALL of the Abrahamic faiths, "Eastern" religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as Atheists, Agnostics - and there will be no bashing of anyone because of the beliefs they hold.

Many of these people are not only my viewers, but I am pleased to also call some of them friends; and if you ask them, they will affirm that I have never once threatened any of them with "burning in Hell" if they didn't believe the same way I do.
We are all guilty of sinning, and I am no different. I have no room, and no right, to judge ANYBODY. As far as I'm concerned, that is God's job:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye" ~ Matthew 7:1-5

Boiling that down to its essence as it relates to this forum, I think that men and women of different faiths can discuss what they believe, and why they believe it, without name calling and nastiness between those involved in the discussion. In other words, please play nice.

For MY part I believe that we are ALL children of Almighty God, which makes us brothers and sisters, and siblings are supposed to love one another. I have stated what I believe, and I will defend that belief to the best of my ability; but I will not condemn anyone who believes differently than I do. As I said, that is God's job.

All that being said, I would like to welcome my brothers and sisters to the table. May Almighty God, our Father, bless this enterprise and enable us to save as many people as possible from the destruction that will affect us all when the Antichrist comes to power.

Moderator: SOT-Lou
1535Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:39 pm
Bob Powell For Lee And Her Father
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PRAYER WARRIOR BRIGADEIn these last days the Church is going to come under attack, and each one of us will feel persecution to some degree or another. Even life in general can sometimes get too much for us, particularly during tragic life events like the illness of a child, a terminal illness in the family, or any number of equally devastating circumstances. When things like that happen we need to turn to each other, and to our Father in Heaven, to sustain us.

I know for a fact that prayer is a powerful healing tool. A few weeks ago I had taken my wife to the hospital after developing a massive blood clot that originated at the chemo port in her chest and extended into her jugular vein. As we were reading the prayers that had been left for her on my Facebook page the swelling in her arm began to reduce dramatically as we watched in astonishment.

As I was asking today for prayers for another friend of mine whose father is dying I began to feel a bit selfish. I always come to my TTiV family with my problems and prayer requests, but what have I done for you? Sure, if anyone asked me to pray for them I would; but I don't think that's enough.

If you have a prayer request bring it here to the Prayer Warrior Brigade, to your TTiV family, and let ALL OF US bring your problem before the Lord.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7

Now that we have a place to to it, let's get it done.

God bless and Semper Fi,

11Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:39 pm
Bob Powell For Lee And Her Father
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Christianity & Alternative Lifestyles

Christianity & Alternative LifestylesHere is the email that I received from a young Christian lady who also happens to be gay, which prompted me to open this sub-forum:

Hi, I've been following your page for a while now. I like what you are doing. Please hear me out. I am a lesbian, I don't fit in. I am a good person that believes in God. You probably don't understand that. I cannot stand Obama. I love my guns. My problem is I don't have anywhere to go. Where I would normally fit in (the Left), I am not comfortable, I don't like these atheist people, they scare me. I have a very bad feeling in my gut. So bad, that I have been prepping food, water, ammo, etc.

I have mostly republican views, even though there really isn't a whole lot of difference between the parties. Republicans are just more upfront about their beliefs than democrats. The main difference between the parties this time is Obama and it isn't that he is democrat as much as he is just ??? nobody knows. Is he the start of the end of as we know it?

I was recently on a forum that totally bashed gays (article about the boy scouts letting gays in). It was actually scary as I felt like I was in a 3rd world country with what people were saying. Quoting scripture along with saying things that should not be repeated. If these are so called God fearing quoting scripture people, then I feel sorry for them. I do not agree with a lot of gay things. I don't think that for example you need to declare that you are gay or straight to enter the boy scouts. I don't hear straight people declaring "I'm straight" and I don't agree with the gays declaring this. I don't think you should back a president on ONE subject that just because you are gay and the president says it's "OK" then vote for him. There is so much more to consider.

Enough about the gays, I'm just trying to show you my side. I want to join your other page that is not on FB. I want to know that if I do and join in on conversations, etc., that I will not be looked upon as a scourge. When the SHTF, I will need something.

Read my response inside...

311Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:24 am
SOT-Lou Not for me
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LAW ENFORCEMENTThis forum will showcase the worst - and the BEST - members of the Law Enforcement community; it is NOT intended as a place for cop-bashing, just to show that the police are just like everyone else. Some are good, some are bad; both extremes will be seen within.

Unfortunately, it is true that many members of law enforcement are truly deserving of the title "pigs," and their actions will see the light of day here. Thankfully, there are just as many, if not more, officers who remember why they wanted to be a police officer or deputy sheriff in the first place: To serve and protect the members of their community. These brave men and women go out there every day and put their lives on the line to protect YOU, and they deserve your utmost respect and gratitude.

Law Enforcement Officers are part of the 99% too. They have families just like everyone else, wives and husbands who worry if their spouse is going to come home in one piece, and children who depend on their parent to do just that; come home in one piece.

Some of them are corrupt, using the color of authority to line their pockets from any number or manner of criminal enterprises, physically abuse the citizenry, obtain sexual favors from informants, and frame innocent people for crimes they did not commit.

In 1987 I wrote a series of articles on Todd Patrick Neely, a 17-year-old boy from Stuart Florida who was convicted of attempted rape and attempted murder that exposed just such criminal behavior on the part of those who were sworn to uphold the law, not break it. It took me a year, but by the time I was done uncovering the truth - that Assistant District Attorney Peter Neil had hidden exculpatory evidence that would have proven Neely innocent - my story had been picked up by the Miami Herald, A Current Affair, Inside Edition, and Geraldo.

As the result of my investigation, A.D.A. Neil was fired (I was hoping for jail time for that bastard, but no such luck), Neely's conviction was overturned, and I was nominated for the Associated Press's Best Investigative Journalism award. I didn't win the award, but I really couldn't care less: Justice was served. A corrupt scumbag Assistant District Attorney lost his career, and an innocent boy was saved from spending the next twenty years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Then there are those officers who go above and beyond the call of duty, who rush into burning buildings before the fire department arrives, or put their bodies in the line of fire to save civilians from a nut with a gun and a bad attitude. And it is men like these that I'm counting on to protect me from out of control Feds who have been increasingly targeting journalists, bloggers, and talk show hosts in an attempt to intimidate all of us into silence.

Over this past Summer I have spoken with literally dozens of Law Enforcement Officers, not only here where I live, but from around the country. I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that many of those people who have sworn to protect us are going to to just that, especially those officers who serve at a local level.

This is probably one reason why the Department of Homeland Security has recently purchased 1.4 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammunition. They intend to use TSA agents and DoD "Contractors" like Xe to do their unconstitutional and unlawful dirty work, and they know that they will encounter armed resistance from not only local militias, but also from the Sheriff Department SWAT teams and patrol officers from municipal departments who are standing elbow to elbow with them; defending their families and their homes from a Tyrannical Federal government spun out of control and operating outside the law. We won't even go into the National Guard units and members of the standing military who will MUTINY before they fire on American citizens.

Anyway, we'll discuss all of this inside. Welcome.

Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
2137Sun May 11, 2014 5:21 pm
freedom4kaz Mother and 4 children terrified during late night police raid on wrong apartment
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Heroes: Tales of True Public Servants

Heroes: Tales of True Public ServantsThis sub-forum in Law Enforcement is dedicated to those courageous men and women who have chosen the protection of their community as their life's work. They go out there every single day, unsure if they will ever return home to their own families, in order to protect yours.

To all those who have chosen Law Enforcement as your career, and uphold their oaths and perform their duty with honor, this forum is my lame attempt at saying "Thank you."

Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
921Wed May 07, 2014 4:00 pm
Bob Powell Cop Undresses to Actually HELP a Man in Need
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Zeros: Hall of Shame

Zeros: Hall of ShameThis sub-forum is dedicated to those scumbags who have forgotten their oaths and abuse their authority as LEOs, who under the color of law violate the rights of the citizenry, beat, and even murder defenseless "suspects."
Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
1115Sun May 11, 2014 5:21 pm
freedom4kaz Mother and 4 children terrified during late night police raid on wrong apartment
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LEOs Speak: Tales From The Front Line

LEOs Speak: Tales From The Front LineI would like for former and current Law Enforcement officers, from small town police officers and those in large metropolises, deputy sheriffs, state troopers, and even Federal LEOs, to post about their experiences in here.

I KNOW from personal experience, and dozens of conversations I've had with LEOs from all over the country, that there ARE good men and women out there serving their communities with a gun and a badge, a good heart, and a conscience.

I also KNOW that most of the LE community will stand with the citizens in their charge when TSHTF; that they will uphold their oaths to protect the innocent, as well as the one they took to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic." I have a feeling that at least a few people in the upper echelons of the DHS are going to regret providing APCs and automatic weaponry to local law enforcement, as those tools will eventually be turned against them to protect innocents.

Many others however, only see the police as part of the Establishment power structure and they fear the police at all levels. This type of thinking is wrong, I know this; but I'm sure that there are many readers of this forum who would be encouraged to hear from those of you in Law Enforcement, in your own words, that when the time comes you will do what is right, and not necessarily what you are ordered to do.

Semper Fi

Moderators: Adam P., OathKeepingJarhead, SOT-Lou
11Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:14 pm
Bob Powell Messages Received By TTiV From LEOs
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Moderator: SOT-Lou
731Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:59 pm
thorfourwinds Emergency Call To Action: Prayer Urgently Needed!
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Before It's News.

Before It's News.This is a forum for our friends at Before It's News to share their stories and topics with The Truth Is Viral.
Moderators: OathKeepingJarhead, DogfaceDooley
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South Shore Collective

South Shore CollectiveThis forum is owned by one of my oldest and dearest friends. They have a plan for SHTF; they have their own little commune going on, and it looks like a WONDERFUL place to ride out TEOTWAWKI.

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WTFRLYMy friend Baran Hines publishes a web site called and his stuff is worth a look. I've invited him to put his work in here as it can only help to enhance the TTiV Forums. Our mission is, after all, to inform people about what is really going on.

Moderator: SOT-Lou
18Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:19 am
SOT-Lou America, It's Time To Talk About Satanism After Kesha's @NBC @TodayShow Concert... @KeshaSuxx
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Pegasus Research Consortium

Pegasus Research Consortium
Some of my viewers will remember Zorgon, who with his merry band of intellectually intimidating misfits, tackles space related issues. Mysteries surrounding Mars, the Moon, and NASA conspiracies are all fair game in the Living Moon forum at the Pegasus Research Consortium.

One of the more famous regular posters there is John Lear, of Lear jet fame, who has fascinating insights into all things aerospace. When it comes to these types of topics, I don't think that a better forum populated by credible independent researchers can be found on the internet.

I have created this sub-forum to give Zorgon yet another outlet to spread the truth.

Moderator: SOT-Lou
49Thu Jul 30, 2015 5:59 pm
thorfourwinds Emergency Call To Action: Prayer Urgently Needed!
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Intellectual Oddities Network

Intellectual Oddities Network
The good people at ION welcomed me with open arms when I was banned by ATS for telling a bit too much truth. I just thought I'd return the favor by giving them a spot here, where they can lure you to their site with their unique collective knowledge.

They are a great bunch over there at ION, so please give them a look-see.

Moderator: SOT-Lou
214Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:15 am
Shore Skeptic Intellectual Oddities Network Shuts Down; Refugees Welcome Here!
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Lunatic Outpost

Lunatic OutpostMy friends at the Lunatic Outpost specialize in all things extraterrestrial in addition to Earth-bound conspiracies. The Lunatic Outpost was created after several members of the COINTELPRO website Godlikeproductions woke up to the fact that the site's owner- Jason "Trinity" Lucas - is a scumbag of monumental proportions, a malware programmer that uses his talents to infect your computer with various forms of NSA approved spyware, and extortionist (Hey! Pay me $$$ and you won't get banned.)

My "Loonie" friends at Lunatic Outpost have proven to me that they are also in search of the truth, and they do not charge to view their website or interact with the community; you don't even have to register to post there. The Lunatic Outpost is a Friend of The Truth Is Viral, and I wholeheartedly suggest paying them a visit.

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